

Using the TidyTuesday Art History Data, I’ve created two plots. One is a ggstream plot organized by artist_race in the dataset. {width = 100%} The seocnd is using ggwaffle organized by country.

Chocolate Ratings-Tidy Tuesday Week 3

This week for #TidyTuesday the dataset comes from Flavors of Cacao. Interesting set of information on chocolate ratings from across the world. Code below the figures. I first wanted to look at the data statistically.

Bee Colony Changes - Tidy Tuesday 2022

This week for ‘#TidyTuesday’ used bee colony data collected by USDA at the state level for the US. Check it out here I decided to look at the average percent of colony decline in each state, for the last four years.

Starbucks Tidy Tuesday 2021 Week 52

This is my contribution for #TidyTuesday, after a long time of not participating. I created an interactive plot using ggplot and plotly packages that compares the calories vs caffeine content of Starbucks drinks.


tidy tuesday walkability

Volcanos Data TidyTuesday

This is my contribution to TidyTuesday In this, I’m attempting to use the gganimate package for the first time to create an animation showing volcanoe eruptions over the past century and their location.